Saturday, March 31, 2012

Welcome to TheHomeDefender Blog!

Like many others, I started watching youtube videos on things that I wanted to watch.  It was mostly prepping and firearms vids.  At first, I was just a viewer and my first channel was my name.  I didn't understand the whole youtube community concept yet and thought it was just people posting their own videos and that was it.

I came across USNERDOC and his videos.  I remember entering his EDC (everyday carry) contest.  His stipulation was that you needed a video to enter.  It did not need to be fancy, nor have your face in it.  I told myself, "sure, why not."  I made a slideshow via Windows Moviemaker.  It was a random drawing and I won.  That was the event that started everything.

I started making videos.  I entered a few more contests and won some.  I started getting subscribers and made a lot of new friends.  As I got deeper into prepping, I realized that using my name as my channel was not very smart, especially if you live on an island.  I closed the old channel and started TheHomeDefender Channel.  Pretty snazzy right?  I wanted something to reflect what the channel would be about; defending the home, caring for what's in it, and building a strong family brick by brick.  I've also done videos of living in Hawaii as well.

So why start the blog?
I want to give my friends and subscribers quality video and presentation.  I took notice of youtubers that I enjoy watching.  Some were just plain talkers.  People that can talk for hours, but can also keep your attention.  I also noticed some that had great presentations.  Everything flowed with minimum "umms," or "uhh," or "mmm" which I tend to do in my vids as I remember what things to say.    I started the blog so I can put my thoughts together in preparation for a video.  At times I may not be able to make a video and sometimes a video is not needed where a picture might do, but I want to be able to put my thoughts out there. 

I hope you enjoy my blog.  I look forward to the interactions with all of you.  Please be courteous and kind and I will be the same in return.



  1. USNERDOC is a class act, consistent and always down to earth. I'm glad to see the blog go up and I look forward to whatever you share on here.
