Thursday, January 30, 2014

Setting goals. 
Everyone's favorite New Year's resolution is to lose weight.  I've been guilty of saying it, but not following through.  The best way to reach a goal is to set one that is achievable within a reasonable timeframe.  It's not specific enough to say I'm going to lose 20 pounds this year.  There isn't much urgency for a timeframe that long.  It's also crazy to say I'm going to lose 20 pounds in the first month.  It certainly may be achievable for the most diehard, but seriously, if we've been thinking about losing weight, we've probably not been in the gym for awhile.  So set an achievable goal within a reasonable timeframe.  My goal for January was to lose 5 pounds.  It was measurable and there was a deadline.  Fortunately, I reached the goal in 2 1/2 weeks.  So I set another reachable goal of a total of 8 pounds for January.  Again, measurable and within a reasonable timeframe.  Happy to report this too was met today.  I'll talk about preparation in my next post. 

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