Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Since the garden is doing so well, I've decided to look into raising chickens for eggs and meat.  I found the Encyclopedia of Country Living by Carla Emery very useful in deciding whether or not raising chickens is what I want to take on.  It contains lots of information on care & feeding of chickens as well as different types of birds for meat or eggs. 

Just so happens that there is also an article in the local newspaper about the increased interest in backyard chickens for a source of eggs.  All the information I needed regarding chickens where I live was right there.  According to the article, City & County of Honolulu ordinances only allow 2 chickens per household. At full production, a chicken can lay an egg a day; providing 14 eggs a week.  There are some noise ordinances as well, but mostly pertains to the roosters crowing. 

While driving to work one day, I asked my son if he would like to have some chickens as pets.  I'm hoping he would take to caring for the chickens as his little brother did for the garden we have.  He thought a dog or a cat would be a better idea.  I then reasoned with him that we could get eggs and meat.  He agreed with the eggs, but couldn't get his head around eating the chicken because it would be a pet.  I told him he ate chicken at least every week and he liked fried chicken very much.  It still didn't sit well with him.  When the time comes, I guess I'll have to dispatch the chicken when he's not home. 

So I'm off looking at chicken coop plans.  There are some really wild and crazy ones, but I'd settle for something simple like this...


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